Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Beyond LASIK:
A Complete
List Of Eye Corrective
Procedures (Pt 3)

Bioptics: Bioptics is a combination procedure involving a PIOL implant followed by LASIK. It is recommended for the most extreme levels of myopia and hyperopia when neither technique alone will entirely correct the refractive error. This combined technique can be used to correct over 30.00 diopters of myopia - twice the maximum amount that can be safely corrected with LASIK.

Clear Lens Extraction (CLE): Clear lens extraction (CLE) involves removing the eye's lens, just like in a cataract operation. This is done with a special ultrasound instrument and may be accompanied by eye-drop anesthesia. A flexible synthetic lens implant of the proper power is then placed inside the eye through an extremely small incision to correct the refractive error. The procedure can be completed without sutures. Visual recovery is quite rapid. As with LASIK, most patients are able to return to work the day following their procedure.

CLE is most commonly performed to treat higher levels of farsightedness in patients over age forty. The optical results are superior to LASIK for these higher corrections. CLE may also be used to correct higher levels of nearsightedness and may be fine-tuned with LASIK if a small refractive error remains. Some surgeons have used CLE to treat extremely nearsighted or farsighted patients who are not candidates for LASIK or PRK.
The major drawbacks of CLE are the risk of postoperative retinal detachment (more of a risk with nearsighted than farsighted patients), and the risks of intraocular surgery (including the potential, albeit uncommon, risk of endophthalmitis).

If both eyes are corrected for distance vision, CLE patients will require reading glasses after their procedure. As with LASIK and PRK, however, monovision corrections are possible with CLE to decrease or even eliminate one's need for reading glasses. Or, a new intraocular lens called the ARRAY lens can be implanted at the time of lens extraction. The multi-focal ARRAY lens allows you to see both near and far after the operation. For the best results, both eyes should be implanted with the lens. Because of its multi-focal capacity, some patients experience a loss of contrast at night and also develop halos around lights. If these symptoms become problematic, the ARRAY lens can be removed and replaced with a conventional lens implant.
Laser Thermal Keratoplasty (LTK): For low amounts of farsightedness, a technique called laser thermal keratoplasty (LTK) is a possible method of thermally changing the shape of the cornea. A special holmium laser is used to deliver laser energy to the peripheral cornea to slightly tighten the fibers and thereby steepen its curvature. The technique seems to work only for low amounts of farsightedness.

There are two disadvantages of LTK. First is the long time needed for vision to stabilize. This process can take months, requiring multiple pairs of glasses in the interim. The second disadvantage is that the effect wears off in a substantial percentage of patients. A patient in whom the effect wears off either faces having the treatment repeated every year or so, or turns to LASIK for a permanent correction.

Conductive Keratoplasty (CK): In conductive keratoplasty (CK), a special probe introduces an electrical current to the peripheral cornea, shrinking the corneal fibers. Similar to LTK, this acts like tightening a belt, causing the central cornea to steepen. It is effective for small amounts of hyperopia. The procedure takes less than five minutes and is essentially painless. It may be performed in a doctor's office without the need of a laser suite. The major advantage of CK is its relative safety. Because all the work is done on the peripheral cornea, the risk of central corneal scarring (through the visual axis, or line of sight) is minimal. The visual recovery with CK is fairly quick, although generally somewhat slower than with LASIK. CK is considered by many surgeons to be the next advance over LTK because its effect appears to be permanent.
Surgery for Presbyopia: One of the more exciting areas of ophthalmology is the surgical treatment of presbyopia - the stiffening of the natural lens that decreases near vision as we age. Several devices and surgeries have been tried, all of which attempt to enlarge the circumference of the eye and tighten the fibers that control the focus of the lens. These fibers are thought to stretch and become less effective as we age.

Anterior Ciliary Sclerotomy (ACS): Anterior ciliary sclerotomy (ACS) is a surgical procedure for relieving presbyopia. Several small incisions are made in the sclera (coating of the eye) directly over the muscle that controls the lens. This procedure expands the circumference of the eye. ACS may be combined with the placement of small silicone plugs into the scleral grooves. These plugs may help the effect last longer.


How Stress Affects
Your Immune System

Have you ever noticed that you tend to get sick more often when you're stressed out? Scientists have noticed this connection for a long time, but until recently they couldn't explain it. While a big project at work or the loss of a loved one isn't going to give you the flu, it can decrease the functioning of your immune system and make you more susceptible to the flu and other infections.
It may surprise you, but short term stress actually boosts the immune system. Increased immune functioning is associated with the "fight or flight" response related to short term stress you know will end. This is because our body is still trying to adapt to beat the stressor instead of just letting the stress bear down. The problem with this is that a majority of our stress is continual over a long period of time.
Long term stress is what actually decreases our immune functioning. The worst kind of stress is not only long term, but stress we think we can't control or see an end to. For example, while meeting a deadline at work may cause a decrease in our immune functioning; it's probably not as bad as stress caused by a debilitating accident. When we think the stressor is beyond our control and may never stop, our body feels it can't cope with the stress and it begins to take its toll. This kind of stress causes a drop in almost all immune functioning.
For regular, long term stressors, the decrease in immune functioning becomes greater with time. This means even if you feel you are in a position of control, long term stress such as a high power job, can build up and gradually decrease your disease fighting abilities.
Another important factor to consider when looking at the immune system and stress is that the decrease in immune system functioning is greater for people who are elderly or already sick. This is likely why older people who are severely injured or have recently lost a loved one are much more likely to die within a year than those who haven't had these circumstances.
You may think, "Well, I'll drop my stress level and I'll be fine". However, studies have show that traumatic events can stick with us and affect our immune system long after the stressor is gone. If a person was in an accident, was attacked, or experienced a traumatic loss, they can show decreased immunities years later. The best way to increase immunities in this case is to undergo treatment for the trauma.
In addition to causing a decrease in immune system functioning, stress can also make you more susceptible to other long term diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle you should include activities and a proper diet that promote a less stressful lifestyle.

Monday, March 5, 2007


You CAN Exercise Even
If You Suffer From Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you can't exercise properly or safely. Contrary to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma tends to occur with people who are genetically or environmentally presdisposed to the condition.

Some of the triggers that may start or make an attack worse include exposure to allergens, viral respiratory infections, airway irritants, exercise, and exposure to things such as dust mites or cockroaches.

You can prevent asthma attacks by doing the following:

1. Bathe your pets weekly.

2. Don't smoke or permit smoking in your home.

3. When mold or pollent counts are high, you should stay inside with air conditioning.

4. Wash your bedding and any stuffed toys at least once per week in hot water.

5. Wash your hands every chance you get.

6. Get a flu shot.

7. Wear a scarf over your mouth and nose in the winter months.

8. Be proactive and know your triggers and how you should avoid them.

Now that you know what you know about asthma, you may be wondering where exercise fits in. As most doctors will tell you, you shouldn't give up on sports or exercise at all. You just have to be smart about how you play and take special pre cautions to avoid attacks.

Almost all doctors agree that the best way to prevent attacks during exercise is to keep your inhaler and medication close by. You should never use the inhaler more than 3 times during a game or exercise session. If you are up the previous night with coughing and wheezing, it's always best to go light with your exercise the next day.

For something known as IEA (Exercise Induced Asthma), the symptoms are somewhat different, in the fact that they appear after 6 - 10 minutes of exercise and will often be worse in cold or dry air.

If you have IEA, there are several activities that you can enjoy such as swimming, walking, biking, downhill skiing, and team based sports. There are many activities for you to choose from, to ensure you get the exercise you need as well.

Keep in mind that the condition of asthma isn't "all in your head", it is a real physiological medical treatment that will require treatment to prevent and treat. Even though your doctor will be your best friend in treating asthma, you are the one who can prevent your symptoms.

Always be smart, take your medication, and be proactive. Don't let it put you in a life of misery - as you can enjoy exercise just like everyone else.


3 Simple Ways To Prevent Or Even Reverse Complications From Diabetes

1. Never stop learning. If you were to interview 10 people that have diabetes you would be amazed at how little information they actually know on the subject of this disease. One of the hallmarks of a healthy diabetic is that they never stop learning. Continuous education is of the utmost importance for a diabetic to help prevent or even reverse the effects of this disease.

In the field of diabetics there seems to be a never ending series of new information and new technology that can help diabetics live a longer and healthier lifestyle. Doctors are routinely coming up with major advances that you should know about.

2. Become your diet's best friend. When faced with the reality that you have diabetes, watching the food that you eat and becoming highly conscious of nutrition is one practice that can save your life and prevent most complications in the future. Chances are that your health, obesity levels, and every day diet is of poor choice if you have just been diagnosed with diabetes. I say this because most adults who get diagnosed have led lives of very poor diet practices and eating entirely too much of the harmful foods.

Becoming your diet's best friend means that you will want to watch every bite that you put in your mouth and ask yourself whether that bite is helping you or is going to deplete you of your body's needs. This means that you need to follow a diabetic diet. Ironically enough, a true diabetic diet is one that anybody can follow who wants to nourish their body and have a constant supply of energy, regardless whether you have diabetes or not. It is a great diet for everyone.

3. Make exercise a habitual part of your everyday routine. As we mentioned above on the necessity of a sound diabetic diet to help prevent or reverse the effects of complications, exercise is equally important. People who have diabetes have to learn how to coordinate their food intake with the activity of their insulin.

This can be a hard task to accomplish day in and day out and research has shown that people who are indeed having a tough time are lacking in daily exercise. However, other studies have shown that diabetics who exercise on a regular basis have little trouble when it comes to balancing their insulin and food. The type of exercise required for a diabetic to benefit from does not have to be long and tough marathons. All it takes are brisk walks throughout the day and as often as possible.


As A Stress Relief Tool

Do you remember seeing comedy shows or skits when you were young where someone is practicing meditation. There was usually one person closing their eyes and "ohm"ing while the other person tried to imitate them or simply made snide remarks. While we used to look upon meditation as being funny, ridiculous, or just plain odd; we now know about all the benefits it has to offer. Originally, meditation was used to focus and gain religious knowledge. Now, it is commonly used to reduce stress and live longer, happier, healthier lives.

So why is mediation so helpful for relieving stress? First of all, it helps focus the mind on something that is deeply and spiritually rooted. By focusing on one thing, you're forced to forget the world around you and all the stressors that come with it. By closing your eyes and sitting in a quiet room, you also filter out the sights and sounds that may stress you. Meditation also helps repair the physical and mental damage caused by stress. The chemicals present in your body actually change during meditation making you more relaxed and peaceful.

The relaxing benefits from above are only the short term benefits Those factors are only successful in filtering out stress that you've already experienced and making you relaxed during and after your meditating. The real benefit of meditation is its longer term effects.

If practiced on a daily basis, meditation can actually balance the levels of hormones and other stress related chemicals on a day-to-day basis; even when you're not meditating. This means that meditation will not only help you unwind at the end of a stressful day, it can also leave you more peaceful and less stressed during your long day at work.

The best part about meditation is, unlike yoga, it requires no special physical skills. While good meditation requires mental skills, you can start small and build your way up as you get more practice. Here's how to get started.

* Find a quiet room and sit in a comfortable position. There is no specific "better" position, just one where you feel comfortable and can relax.

* Close your eyes and relax your muscles. Do this by focusing on each individual muscle, starting at the feet and working your way up. Focus on the stress leaving each muscle as it relaxes.

* Begin to breathe slowly while you repeat your mantra. This can be anything from the traditional "ohm" to something you find personally important. If you are religious or spiritual, you can chant something related to your beliefs.

* If you find your mind wandering, don't beat yourself up about it; simply remain calm and return to your focus word.

* After 15 to 20 minutes, you can stop meditating and sit quietly for a few minutes before you return to your regular life.

By doing this regularly, you will train your mind and body to be more relaxed, peaceful and focused. You will find this not only affects your stress levels, but also your physical and mental functioning.

Weight Loss

Best Classes
for Weight Loss

So many commercials and advertisements scream �Lose weight now!� but how many of them are actually legitimate? Just to be clear, taking pills and supplements are not going to get rid of excess weight � the only way to do that is through good old-fashioned cardiovascular exercise coupled with a healthy diet. Thanks to modern innovations and ideas, though, you can work out and burn more fat than ever while you have fun at the same time! Gyms and fitness studios across the country are focusing on creating cardiovascular fitness classes that keep participants engaged and encouraged, and this is a boon for folks who are traditionally turned off by the thought of exercise. Losing weight has never been so fun and fast!


The workout of the stars, spinning is an exercise similar to biking except that, well, you don�t go anywhere. When you spin, you are using a machine similar to a bike but with only one wheel and with adjustable resistance so that you can control the level of exertion. Beginners start with the handle in a traditional biking position but as you proceed through levels and become more fit, eventually the handles will be almost level with the bike saddle. Spinning mimics mountain biking by changing resistance at different points throughout the workout, imitating hills and rises. The calorie burn can be impressive but be prepared for a sweaty workout. Your leg muscles will be called upon in ways they never have before and the first few classes will probably leave you with some muscle soreness and stiffness that should disappear within a few days. Spinning instructors recommend that participants wear heart monitors to track heart rate and move into the ideal range for maximum fat burning. You can find Spinning classes at gyms nationwide.

Belly Dancing

If you�ve ever watched belly dancers and admired the lithe, seductive movements, here�s your chance to learn their secrets and burn calories at the same time. Belly dancing classes have exploded in popularity in the past few years and can be found in most major cities and metropolitan areas. You won�t need any special workout gear, just show up in your t-shirt and shorts. You�ll start learning the basics of moving your hips and waist, and go from there to the more complicated twists that make belly dancing so unique and seductive. The calorie burn is average but couple the class with a healthy diet and brisk walking several times per week and you�ll see the fat begin to melt away. The bonus of belly dancing is that as you�re burning calories you are also toning and firming the abdominal muscles, so when the fat is gone you�ll be able to see beautifully defined abdominals. In addition to that, you will have learned a unique skill that you can use as a workout any time you like!

Step Aerobics

Step aerobics can burn serious calories thanks to the work it requires from muscles. The concept of step aerobics has been around for decades and it became popular in the eighties along with Jane Fonda. It remained a regular offering at fitness studios but recently has enjoyed a renewed burst of popularity. In a step aerobics class, there will be an instructor leading the class from the front. You will need an exercise step that can be raised or lowered depending on your fitness ability. After a brief warm-up, the instructor will lead the class in aerobic exercise utilizing the step to increase calorie burn. The pace can get intense and that equals a higher fat burn for you! Arms will frequently be included as part of the workout but only to increase the heart rate, so don�t forget to include regular strength training as part
of your fitness program.


yoga and Health:
An Alternative
Form of Exercise

Yoga has long been used as an alternative form of healthy exercise. Today, a variety of yoga schools have become popular, so if you want to try this technique of healing and preventative health, research them all before signing up for a class. Yoga can be very helpful if you are suffering from pain or disease, but, as always, discuss this change in your exercise regimen with your doctor before you begin so that you can be sure yoga will work for you.

Iyengar is the yoga of props and slow pose progression. Correct form is important, and so your instructor will stress this. It is an extremely useful kind of yoga for beginners to try, and people with disabilities or physical restrictions can also use Iyengar yoga. Props that are used help people overcome back and joint problems. Iyengar yoga, in short, teaches the fundamentals, and so this is an important kind of yoga to use if you are new to yoga.

Power yoga, or Ashtanga yoga, is the most athletic form of yoga and used by those who want a difficult work out. Flexibility, stamina, and strength are all heavily stressed with this form of yoga, and meditation is not as important and usually not taught at all. A warm temperature is beneficial to this style to lessen muscle strain, so power yoga can also be combined with hot yoga, which is a highly physical workout done in temperatures of 100 degrees or even more in some cases. Breath control is important here, and the progression is swift to maximize athletic benefit. Ashtanga yoga is not as beneficial for beginners and can be especially difficult for those who are not accustomed to exercising. Hatha yoga can be viewed as the opposite of this, and is a more relaxing kind of workout that is concerned not only with physical well being, but also with mental and spiritual healthiness. Most types of yoga include aspects of Hatha yoga, and these techniques are important for beginners to learn.

Kundalini is a more spiritual type of yoga exercise, and includes chanting, guided relaxation and meditations, and visualizations. It can be done by anyone of any religious practice, although yoga first began with Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Kundalini heals the body, emotions, and mind. Posture and breathing is important in this type of yoga, and those overcoming addiction have found Kundalini especially helpful.

Other kinds of yoga may also be beneficial to you and your health. Be sure to choose a routine that is not too easy or, on the other hand, too difficult. Talk with your doctor or a yoga instructor for more information.